Marine2D - v0.0206A

Hello everyone,

I'm excited to announce the release of  patch 0.0206A for Marine2D!

This update brings several new features, improvements, and important bug fixes to enhance your gameplay experience.

Thanks to your valuable feedback, we've been able to make these significant changes.


  • Missile Launcher Turret: A new weapon for the colonists. Missile launcher turrets now defend the base in final missions and serve as a prototype for explosive-type weapons.
  • OrbBox: We've added OrbBoxes in all open areas. These essence crystals provide obligations when collected. This is a first step towards planting useful items around the map and encouraging exploration (thanks for the advice Findoff).
  • Character Menu: A new selectable tab is now available in the game menu. The character tab lets you check the level of upgrades purchased and your character's name (in case you forget 😉 ).
  • New Graphical Elements: Added some new graphical elements for a better visual experience.


  • Revised the audio system and sound distances.
  • Updated the game menu screens: Changed fonts that caused aberrations and improved overall readability.

Bug Fixes:

  •  Fixed audio issues when at the entrance of a subterranean area.
  • Fixed a bug with movement when a stationary xeno is hit.
  • Fixed an issue where a xeno is hit but does not attack.
  • Fixed a problem with entity pathing when the target is not on the ground one tile away (a problem remains if hit in the same tile and the target is on the ladder of the same tile).
  • Fixed a problem with tunnel walls where sometimes the exit tile was blocked.

This hotfix aims to make the game smoother and more enjoyable. Your support and feedback have been invaluable, and I encourage you to continue sharing your thoughts.

Stay tuned for more updates, and happy gaming!

Strategy Madnes sign out.

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