Marine 2D (v. 0.0206A)

- Game controls

You can select two type of controls at the character creation screen or in the game menù :

    • Left click: move/open room
    • Right click: snipe the target
    • Hold right click: barrage shooting
    • W - use Medikit;
    • Q - Reload;
    • E - Trow granate;
    • R - Activate Scan;
    • SPACE - Operate;
    • C - use Teleport
  • WASD
    • use W A S D for move
    • Left click: open room
    • Right click: snipe the target
    • Hold right click: barrage shooting
    • 2 - use Medikit;
    • R - Reload;
    • 3 - Trow granate;
    • SPACE - Activate Scan;
    • E - Operate;
    • T - use Teleport


Take your Marine trough a "run" of random generated Scenarios.
Every Scenario have different side quests until you reach the last End Scenario.Collect ribbons by completing the quests.
Check your Leaderboard for the best marine that have complete the run.

This game is under develop,  so pls write me for questions,  bug or any idea to improve the game. 

Many features must be implemented:

  • Free run: no loading screem  betwen scenarios;
  • Boss fights and Xenos. Even giant one! 
  • More Scenarios and End Scenario types;
  • Improved world generation variety.
  • More heroes: the Warmaster (companion oriented) and the Sniper (soloing);
  • Weapon switch and costumizations (Vermintide like);
  • Online Leaderboard. How will be the best?
  • More Musics, more meccanics, more stuff!!

Im working on it, i appreciate good vibes <3

My mail:

Development log


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Okay, after playing a round:

1. it took me a bit to figure out Left Click means open doors. You need to put some kind of left click icon near doors and stuff you can do. Also making opening doors instead of E or Right Click is an interesting design choice, because it also took me awhile to figure out Right Click is shooting, since I accidentally skipped that instructions. Put a right click icon in the beginning when encountering an enemy. 

2. The gate activation is confusing. I found 3 gears that turned on generators but no hint of what do after that.

Hi gmx0,
first of all I have to thank you for playing Marine2D: thanks to you we managed to exceed 100 plays this week, you know?! The first milestone for this game :)

The tutorial is actually very sparse; There is currently a little button down in the game menu that activates screens for the game's mechanics.

I don't mind the idea of activating icons above the monsters or the character, when the tutorial is active, at all. I think I'll upgrade it when there's a rework of the icons. this was before the beta release.

On Monday there will be a small patch for some errors I encountered and the milestone announcement.

Thanks for your involvement!!!

p.s. I hadn't even thought about a download version. I will release the final game for different platforms: Apple, Win, Linux, Android. steam etc... but if it is much more useful, at this stage I could make a download version :)

Make a downloadable version pls

(1 edit)

I love concept. Hope You continue development!

Want more sprawling bases with more items/missions to motivate it's exploration...

And may be to add need NPC HP bar...

hi Findoff!
I released a patch where i inserted a new item to collect in the map to encourage exploration.
It's just a start, but thank you for the suggestions!