Marine2D Patch 0.02A is OUT!

๐ŸŒŸ Hello everyone,

It is with great pleasure that I introduce the first patch since the release of Marine2D!
These past few months have been intense, and I'm thrilled to bring you an update worthy of its name. Thanks to your invaluable feedback, we've been able to improve the gaming experience and introduce new features.

This patch brings two new scenarios, several improvements, and features reworked like the teleport, which should cut down travel times across the map and save players in tough situations. We've also introduced a new WASD movement system.

The main focus of this first patch is to enhance the overall gaming experience, making it more dynamic with faster responses and more accessible game information.

Let's dive into the new additions to Marine2D:


New Scenarios:

  • Free the Area: Eliminate all Xenos in the area. The map is completely random generated with no hordes. When there are no more threats, the gate will open.
  • Save the Colonists: Find the hidden colonists on the map and escort them to the gate. If you bring all surviving civilians to the teleport, or if there are no more colonists on the map, the gate opens. If any colonist dies, the mission fails, but you can still continue the run or restart the scenario. 

New Unit:

  • We introduces the "Colonist", a new type of VIP exclusive for the mission "Save the colonists". This Vip doesn't shoot and only fights in melee. Be careful, as they are very fragile!

New type of dungeon:

๐Ÿ”๏ธ New "Anchor" Subterranean Type: A new type of subterranean area connects open zones, adding more verticality to the maps. More of these will be introduced in future patches.

๐ŸŽฏ Skills:

  • Added a "precision" upgrade. Each bullet now has a hit percentage based on the shooter's accuracy (players, VIPs, or xenos). If a shot misses, the bullet continues its path. Depending on the shooting mode, it may hit or miss targets behind the first one. A floating "miss" icon now appears when a shot misses.

๐Ÿ•น๏ธ Movement:

  • Added a new WASD movement system. Players can now choose between "WASD" and "Desktop" movement modes. Check the menu for more details.
  • Added a "Controls" button in the menu to manage movement and view game shortcuts.

๐Ÿ”Š Sound: The background ambient sound now changes depending on whether you are underground or not.


๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Tools Teleport Rework :

The teleport has been reworked. Each scenario now has a unique "teleport spot" located near the gate or special structures. Using the Teleport button and paying the cost in "teleport tools", players can instantly transport themselves and any saved VIPs to the Teleport Spot. This tool is designed to enhance gameplay by reducing return times to key points and offering a chance for escape in difficult situations.
The teleport tool's cost varies by scenario difficulty and can be found as a drop in Scientific structures. An upgrade is also available in weapon shops to increase the cap of these valuable tools.
We added olso a new visual effect.

User Interface:

  • Major UI and movement system update: Manage movement types and view shortcuts from this screen. Movement types include "Desktop" (mouse click to move) or WASD (classic WASD keys).
  • Added shortcut letters to all game buttons to enhance gameplay experience. They change based on the selected movement type (Desktop or WASD).
  • Improved shop information screens. Now, besides the cost, they display the current and upgraded values of items or tools.
  • Updated the scanner: removed the directional buttons. The scanner's duration is now increased from 30 to 50 seconds.
  • Improved end-of-scenario screen. It now includes a summary of the run, listing scenario names completed and those remaining.
  • Updated volume control system. Volume settings are now saved at the end of each scenario.
  • Improved floating icon display system. They are still a bit confusing but better represent in-game actions.

๐ŸŽฎ Combat and Skills:

  • Improved shooting response time; the player character now shoots faster.
  • Reduced energy cost for bullets, increasing the duration of weapon use.
  • Improved bullet handling; bullets now ignore walls and floors for a certain distance to avoid unnecessary firing.
  • Players can now shoot from certain exposed staircases, but not from structures.
  • Rebalanced upgrades, making them less costly to encourage use.

๐Ÿง  AI:

  • Improved pathfinding system; xenos and VIPs should behave more intelligently. Thanks for your reports and messages!

Scenario creation:

  • we have updated the creation of the map, making it less repetitive and more linear, trying to stem the ping pong effect of the player, forced to travel back and forth, favoring the use of teleportation to reach the key point of the scenario.


  • Fixed a level generation bug related to the limits of subterranean areas.
  • Fixed various level generation bugs. Some issues still require restarting the game or run to proceed.
  • Fixed mission step update bugs. Sometimes steps wouldn't update correctly.
  • Fixed various bugs with xeno spawner timing and horde spawns.
  • Fixed a bug in the "Imminent Counterattack" mission where the countdown initializes correctly to 10 seconds if the final horde event hasn't started yet. Otherwise, nothing happens now, preventing double horde creation.
  • Fixed numerous pathfinding node management bugs. Creatures should no longer jump on stairs and exhibit fewer incorrect behaviors.


I want to make a special note about the two new scenarios introduced. These missions are actually prototypes for secondary missions in even larger and more complete scenarios structure.
In a future version of the game, in every scenarios many side quest must be completed. For exemple, while restoring the fortress defenses, players must save lost colonists, eliminate all threats, and perhaps await reinforcements or other events to finish the scenario.
I hope you like the idea. We're laying the groundwork for more complex Runs.

That's all for now.
I hope you enjoy the additions. All this work is done for your enjoyment.

The only thing I ask is to subscribe to my project, comment on it, and share it with your friends.
You have no idea how important it is to me.

Strategy Madness sign out!๐ŸŒŸ

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